The Lexicographic Corpus of Mapudüngun CORLEXIM, is the first free accessible Mapudüngun on-line corpus. CORLEXIM intends to facilitate and promote free access to the largest available collection of lexicographic resources in the Mapudüngun language with the goal of stimulating research, as well as the development of teaching-learning materials in order to promote and improve its study. In the not too distant future, we expect to be able to incorporate additional dictionaries, lexical lists and other types of textual resources (copyright law permitting).

CORLEXIM incorporates nine different bilingual dictionaries: four Mapudüngun-Spanish, four Spanish-Mapudüngun and one Mapudüngun-English. These dictionaries are listed bellow:

The first seven lexicographic works were written by catholic Missionaries during the period 1606 to 1916. Navarro was a civil servant, his dictionary is a compilation made during his travels in the 1950s and 1960s through the lands inhabited by the Mapuche. The Mapudüngun-English dictionary is part of Ineke Smeets' PhD thesis, published under the title "A Grammar of Mapuche" in 2008. In total, the number of entries included in this corpus is 35.449, many of which present one or more subentries. Separately, the number of entries in each dictionary is as follows:

DictionaryDirectionNr. of entries
Valdivia, L. de (1606)mapudüngun-spanish3,108
Febrés, A. (1765)spanish-mapudüngun3,897
Febrés, A. ([1765] 1882)mapudüngun-spanish3,726
Febrés, A. (1846a)mapudüngun-spanish4,553
Febrés, A. (1846b)spanish-mapudüngun4,898
Augusta, F. de (1916b)spanish-mapudüngun6,991
Augusta, F. de (1916a)mapudüngun-spanish5,126
Navarro, D. (1992)castellano-mapudüngun2,688
Smeets, Ineke (2008)mapudüngun-english3,149


We thank Gertrudis Payás, member of the Núcleo de Investigación en Estudios Interétnicos e Interculturales ( of the Universidad Católica de Temuco, who has shared with us the transcriptions of the Valdivia (1606) and Febrés ([1765] 1882) dictionaries, developed with the assistance of Armando Luza inside the frame of Fondecyt Regular 1090459 and 1120995 (CONICYT-Chile) projects, of which she was responsible for; to the Darwin Online portal for the transcription of Febrés (1765), available at… ; and to anyone who had collaborated in any way to this project.

We also thank Ineke Smeets and her editors from Mouton de Gruyter (Bossong, G., Comrie, B., Dryer, M.) who have kindly allowed us to use the material contained in the book "A grammar of Mapuche".